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Exercises for Elderly Ladies – Part One

Exercises for elderly ladies are vital for their well-being. Whilst some women grow up with sports and exercise, not all of them do. What we consider a normal life today is not what it was 70 or 80 years ago. In fact, in past years many more men than women engaged in sports and regular exercise. Women were seen more as wives and mothers. If you are caring for an elderly lady, this series of blogs might be helpful.

In recent years the emphasis on sports and exercise has changed. More women have joined the workforce. Also, due to better methods of birth control, women have less children nowadays. Naturally, this chain of events has resulted in social change. Boys and girls are being treated the same at school. Particularly in the curriculum offered to both sexes. Moreover, double incomes have resulted in more money coming into the house. Therefore everyone can afford to join clubs or gymnasiums to exercise their bodies.

Thanks to media in general, we see girls and women enjoying sports and exercise worldwide. It is now a normal activity for both sexes.

Not when I was young

However, women who did not grow up doing much sport or exercise might need encouragement. At first, they might resist and say that they do not enjoy exercise. Or, that it causes them pain. Whilst pain is not necessary or healthy, overcoming muscle tiredness is unavoidable. They might also say they find exercises boring. Well, actually they are a bit boring due to their repetitive nature.

But not everything in life is meant to be a party! Sometimes we have to do things for our good that we do not enjoy. Particularly when it comes to our health and well-being. It is one thing to grow old. After all, most of us cannot avoid that. But it is not pleasant to grow old in bad health. And refusing to exercise is known to contribute to health problems, for young and old alike.

Here, at Vermont Aged Care, we know the importance of mobility for our beloved residents. As experts in the care of elderly people, we know the dangers of sedentariness. Physically, sedentariness has many negative effects. Also, mentally and emotionally sedentariness is not beneficial to them. So we are happy to pass on the following tips to you if you are caring for an elderly loved one.

The physical dangers of sedentariness

According to government statistics, approximately 1 in 10 Australians exercises enough to gain any cardiovascular benefits. This is not good when you consider that about 50% of physical decline associated with old-age may be due to a lack of physical activity. Experts agree elderly people require adequate fitness levels to maintain their independence, recover from illness and reduce disease risk.

Encouragingly, research indicates that the human body responds to exercise at any age. Of course it is better to start earlier. However that should not be a barrier to begin exercising. Furthermore, it makes good sense to check with your elderly loved one’s GP first. They might suggest avoiding certain exercises if she is over 40. Other exercises may be proscribed for someone who is obese. The advice will be even more relevant and important if your relative suffers from a chronic illness. As well, restrictions may apply if she has had surgery recently.

Nonetheless, after looking into the important questions and ticking all the boxes, a plan of exercise can be elaborated. This may require you to enlist the help of an exercise specialist. Maybe a physiotherapist can help in the planning. After all, the idea is to help her, and not to cause her injury.

Physical Decline

The following list of physical decline conditions has been linked to lack of regular exercise:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Reduced strength and bone strength
  • Decreased physical endurance
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Less joint flexibility and mobility
  • Lower cardiovascular function, associated with increased risk of various diseases and stroke
  • Reduced respiratory function
  • Increased body fat
  • Increased blood pressure

Recommended Reading

Seniors Information Victoria Tel. 1300 135 090

In our next blog, we will discuss the negative mental effects of sedentariness. So please look out for it. Until next time, dear readers, from our extended family here at Vermont Aged Care, keep fit and stay well. And remember, we are here to offer assistance at any time. Bye for now!

This blog is intended to provide helpful advice. Please speak with your family GP for personalised information or, for specialist advice & support in Melbourne Australia, please contact VERMONT AGED CARE:

770 Canterbury Road, Vermont, Victoria, Australia 3133

Phone: +61 03-9873 5300. Email:

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