WELCOME TO Blackburn
Best Nursing Homes in Blackburn, VIC
If you’re in need of a caring, established nursing home near Blackburn that looks out for you and your family, Vermont Aged Care is the answer. At our core is a team of trained registered nurses that are passionate about what they do. When it comes to aged care, respite care and palliative care, Blackburn residents know they can turn to us as someone who will care for their family member in the same way they do. Our family values stem from our combined Indian and Australian heritage, having been in the Melbourne area for over fifty years and running Vermont Aged Care for thirty. We consider every resident that stays with us to be a member of our very special family.
in-house catering
The latest technology
There are a number of advantages to using the latest in technology in a nursing home. Blackburn families know that their family member staying with us will be in control to a degree. While we believe in a very hands- on approach and interact with our residents often to ensure we’re giving them the best care, incorporating technology into the way we work allows them a level of independence. They can achieve things on their own that they otherwise would need help with, which can be incredibly liberating. Not only does it make certain tasks simpler, it also allows us to communicate better. We can overcome all sorts of barriers with technology and create the perfect environment for every person.
Vermont aged care blackburn
A focus on lifestyle
When it comes to aged care, Blackburn residents need to know they won’t be sitting in a room all day with nothing to do. We pride ourselves on the range of activities available, catering to those of varying physical abilities. Light entertainment is available in the form of the books in our library, the options of Foxtel or magazine subscriptions and our special guests we organise from time to time. We also take regular road trips to see interesting things, and go to nice places. It’s important to us to see new scenery and stimulate the mind. When it comes to aged care, Blackburn deserves the best – and that’s what we offer them.
Vermont aged care blackburn
Discover our Blackburn nursing home options
It can feel overwhelming when you first start looking at all of your options for a nursing home. Blackburn families have a lot of options available to them, but only one that will care for their resident as much as they do. Give us a call to have any of your questions answered or simply to find out a bit more information about what an average day looks like in our nursing home Donvale . Alternatively, send an email to info@vermontagedcare.com.au today and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible to address any concerns you might have. We aim to put your mind at ease, and look forward to helping you through this process as best we can.
What our families have to say